The theme of the day…
17 years ago, at the end of April | 6 Comments
So, a couple more changes and updates to my images. First of all I’ve taken out the Oh-puzzles because they don’t work due to this bug – once that’s sorted they’ll go back in. There’s a new little script too which allows you to switch themes. I’ve removed some of the themes that are installed by default essentially because the panel in the top right dies and never returns if you try to use them. So at the moment you get to pick between Moko, ScaredyCat and the original Openmoko theme, openmoko-standard-2. By default the ScaredyCat theme is active. So, no excuses now. Get designing some killer themes.
The next change is due to a request from Taki asking for tangogps to be preconfigured to use the sd card for map and track storage. So now, by default, maps on my builds are stored in:
and track logs are stored in
This should be a little more useful and wont fill up your flash with tiles.
Tagged with: GPS • image builds • linux • neo 1973 • openmoko • opensource
April 25, 2008 13:25
6 Comments so far
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Thanks Andy!
I’m downloading the image to flash and test!
hm… why not move the gllin package into /media/card/tangogps/, too?
That would leave the root directory of the card “clean”…
Well, I could move it from the root to a folder, but I don’t really think the tangogps folder is the best place for it. Perhaps a folder on the card called something like
then you can just drop any ipk’s you want installing into it and on first boot after flashing and it’ll install them all.
[… Perhaps a folder on the card called something like
Giving it a second thought, I came to a similar idea, since there are quite a few things that one wants to modify:
I suppose this could be simply done, but I think such a feature should be introduced as a openmoko standard behaviour…
hi there!
Can anyone tell me where can i download OM-2007.2 image for my Neo_Freerunner (GTA02)??
download link please!!
hi there from Greece!
Can you help me by telling me where can i download OM-2007.X image for my Neo_Freerunner (GTA02)??
please let me know!!
thanks in advance!