

Just a little easier…

17 years ago, at the end of April | 6 Comments

I’ve made quite a few changes and a couple of additions to my images of late. You may have noticed the new boot logo, the new startup sound and the new theme now there are a couple more goodies. First of all the two new applications, well one application and one script. The Bluetooth Keyboard application (really the script) is a two new applicationssimple shell script that hunts for bluetooth keyboards and connects to the first one it finds. If bluetooth is off it turns it on. If I can get zenity to compile properly this will be a much better script. The next item is the Twitter client, GtkTwitter, It’s very basic but it works pretty well. I had to make a couple of modifications to the icons so you could actually poke them with your fingers.

Next up we have a little script that starts on boot, checks to see if you have the gllin ipk ( gllin_1.0+r350-r0_fic-gta01.ipk ) in the root of your sd card. If it’s there it will automatically get installed for you – Very useful post-flash. The script will also replace the standard gllin script with the one from the tangogps site. Why? Well, because tangogps and gpsd are in the image too! Shortly, I’m hoping to provide a pre-downloaded series of tiles for download too. The good news is now you can have gps and a gps application ready for you immediately. Oh one last thing. If you create a directory on your sd card called local you can create bin and/or sbin directories and have applications run straight from there – all those little utils you need to install again after each flash now have a permanent home.

All of these are part of the image, you do not need to install anything extra, unless you want to 😀

Update: The bluetooth keyboard script is much more wizzy now that I’ve added Zenity to the image and use that so you can now pick the keyboard you want to connect to from the list of devices. I’ve also added some notify calls so that you can see what is going on during the script.

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April 22, 2008 20:36


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6 Comments so far

  1. Ugo Raffaele on April 22, 2008 21:10

    That’s very cool! 😉 Thank you!

  2. C.M on April 23, 2008 07:34

    Nice! Have to give it a try as soon as I can. Really want to try out the GPS some more.

  3. Taki on April 23, 2008 14:26


    great image! I installed it any enjoy tangogps out-of-the-box 😀

    Could you package tangogps with defaults on the media card? I use the following paths for tiles and logs:

    root@om-gta01:/media/card# ls *


    logs maps


  4. Marcus on April 25, 2008 08:20

    The bluetooth keyboard script is great. I did it from the command line so far.

    Do you have any idea how to change the input behaviour of double letters? Even if one kills the multitap-pad, double letters get converted to the next letter, i.e. a double ‘m’ like in ‘communication’ ends up as ‘n’ -> ‘conunication’.

  5. The theme of the day… : ..the cat came back.. on April 25, 2008 13:25

    […] next change is due to a request from Taki asking for tangogps to be preconfigured to use the sd card for map and track storage. So now, by […]

  6. Taki on April 25, 2008 18:04

    Well, what can I say, except: Thanks a lot!

    Best regards,


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