

Follow Me Wallpaper

17 years ago, at the end of September | 3 Comments

Last night I tried a little experiment on my jailbroken iPhone. Since I’d already started poking about playing with my own Winterboard themes and have been tracking my iPhone’s location for a while now, I thought I’d see what happened if I mixed the two. So, how about wallpaper that followed you? Follow Me It turns out that combining the two is relatively straight forward. Google now provide a mechanism for getting what they call static maps which will allow you to get an image centered on a set of coordinates. You can also add your own markers if you want.

There are some limitations on the number and size of the maps that you can retrieve so I employed a very simple caching mechanism to ensure I didn’t annoy Google. This certainly helps speed things up when testing and also enabled me to identify a small issue I was having.
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September 22, 2008 11:50



Tagging The Untagged

17 years ago, mid-September | 1 Comment

I recently purchased a copy of Jaikoz to help process some of my bulging music collection. Back in the day when most of this got ripped grabbing details from the internet was pretty much unknown. As time progressed things got easier but these old rips never really got their info updated. They may have had an artist and album folder, but they didn’t have much in the way of tags. Jaikoz, which runs under Windows, OS X and Linux, was to be my tool of choice in repairing them all. The process is pretty simple. Select the folder containing music to be tagged and then click the toolbar button of a car. Then all you need to do is find somehting else to do for a few hours. When you come back most, if not all, of your untagged music is tagged.
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September 21, 2008 13:11



Ecobutton waste

17 years ago, mid-September | 8 Comments

Today we had a delivery of the ecobutton at work and I got to play with it a little. This USB device plugs into your PC and magically ecourages you to save electricity by putting said PC to sleep if you leave your desk (if you remember to push it). That’s the theory of it anyway. The trouble is I have a big problem with it. It’s not just that this device is made of plastic, probably the cheap nasty kind that kills you if you look at it in the wrong way. It’s not that it’s made in China, which means it either got to me via a cargo ship or an aeroplane spewing CO2 as it travelled thousands of miles. It’s not that it uses electricity while it’s sitting there doing nothing. It’s not even that it looks like it cost 30p ($0.52 ish) to make but sells for about £7 ($12.35 ish). The big problem with this device is the implementation. You know what it does? When you press the ecobutton it does this:
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September 8, 2008 17:02



Speaking Freely

17 years ago, at the start of September | 3 Comments

“Hi well, ok this is just a quick test run to see if it works. These is straight of log from from a phone call. Does it work? Well we’ll see. Does it understand, who knows. We’ll see. Bye bye”

spoken through SpinVox

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September 1, 2008 11:11

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