

Tagging The Untagged

16 years ago, mid-September | 1 Comment

I recently purchased a copy of Jaikoz to help process some of my bulging music collection. Back in the day when most of this got ripped grabbing details from the internet was pretty much unknown. As time progressed things got easier but these old rips never really got their info updated. They may have had an artist and album folder, but they didn’t have much in the way of tags. Jaikoz, which runs under Windows, OS X and Linux, was to be my tool of choice in repairing them all. The process is pretty simple. Select the folder containing music to be tagged and then click the toolbar button of a car. Then all you need to do is find somehting else to do for a few hours. When you come back most, if not all, of your untagged music is tagged.

There were a few tracks that Jaikoz couldn’t tag from MusicIP or MusicBrainz but it has certainly cut down the typing I’ll have to do quite drastically.

Now, Jaikoz does have iTunes integration but since I’m dealing with lots of files memory is going to get used up and we don’t really want to have that bloated pig (iTunes) running at the same time. Once all the files have had their tags done and saved by Jaikoz used this AppleScript:

Refresh Selected Tags v1.0
June 6, 2006 (yes, that's 6/6/06)
tell application "iTunes"
   if selection is {} then
      display dialog "No tracks selected." buttons {"I will!"} ¬
         default button 1 with icon 0
      set sel to selection
      repeat with myTrack in sel
         if myTrack`s class is file track then
            tell myTrack
               refresh myTrack
            end tell
         end if
      end repeat
      display dialog "Selected tags have been freshened up." ¬
          buttons {"Okay"} ¬
         default button 1
   end if
end tell

to refresh iTunes music that’s had its tags changed.

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September 21, 2008 13:11


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1 Comment so far

  1. ottomate (ottomate) via twitter

    @DonMcAllister Look here for Apple Script to refresh iTunes library of the files with updated tags –

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