iPhone proximity sensing IS in the API
17 years ago, at the end of November | Leave a Comment
There seems to have been a lot of misinformation flying about of late. With Google releasing a new version of their app incorporating proximity sensing, some blogs have claimed this is breaking AppStore rules by using undocumented hidden (non public) API calls. I’m here to tell you that’s just rubbish. All that has happened is the people reporting it haven’t even bothered to check. Want to prove this to yourself?
1. Start Xcode and pick one of the templates.
2. Load up the AppDelegate code and skip to ‘applicationDidFinishLaunching’.
3. Type ‘application.’ (note the full stop after the word application)
4. Hit escape and you’ll get a list, scroll down to items starting with P
5. Oh look there it is…
For those without Xcode here’s a picture.

Oh, that must be the non-public public api...
For those that want to see the what the documentation says
A Boolean value that determines whether proximity sensing is enabled.
@property(nonatomic, getter=isProximitySensingEnabled) BOOL proximitySensingEnabled
YES if proximity sensing is enabled; otherwise NO. Enabling proximity sensing tells iPhone OS that it may need to blank the screen if the user’s face is near it. Proximity sensing is disabled by default.
Available in iPhone OS 2.0 and later.
Declared In
Unfortuneately once some people grab hold of false information no facts will get in their way. Anyone that knows me will tell you that I’m really not fond of either Google or Apple, but let’s just get stuff right shall we.
Update: I’ve had some discussion on irc and it was felt that I should point out that proximityStateChanged is used and following some additonal chatter on IRC with UncleBob who pointed out that “It’s not private in the OBjC sense just the Apple documented SDK sense. ” he then went on to say “the whole thing is definately a peanut-gallery cockfest” which sums it all up really.
Tagged with: api • Apple • google • iphone
November 28, 2008 11:43
Fullscreen iPhone WebApps
17 years ago, mid-October | 1 Comment
Web applications on the iPhone have always been second class citizens without access to the really interesting features. To add insult to injury web applications lost a large chunk of screen real estate to the top and bottom Safari toolbars.
Well, now they don’t need to. For users with firmware 2.1, if you add the following lines to the <head> section of your web application page then, when someone adds your web application to their home screen and then uses it all they will see is the standard bar showing carrier name, signal and battery level. As ever the pictures should make it much clearer. Notice that there is no address bar or lower toolbar at all, even when scrolling.
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Tagged with: Apple • iphone
October 19, 2008 16:44
Tagging The Untagged
17 years ago, mid-September | 1 Comment
I recently purchased a copy of Jaikoz to help process some of my bulging music collection. Back in the day when most of this got ripped grabbing details from the internet was pretty much unknown. As time progressed things got easier but these old rips never really got their info updated. They may have had an artist and album folder, but they didn’t have much in the way of tags. Jaikoz, which runs under Windows, OS X and Linux, was to be my tool of choice in repairing them all. The process is pretty simple. Select the folder containing music to be tagged and then click the toolbar button of a car. Then all you need to do is find somehting else to do for a few hours. When you come back most, if not all, of your untagged music is tagged.
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Tagged with: Apple • Music • software
September 21, 2008 13:11
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