

Time Management, tips from a pro.

17 years ago, mid-August | 2 Comments

Last night I decided to take a look at Randy Pausch’s Time Management video and rather than ending up trying to gnaw off my own head I found it quite interesting. When you find out that this man is actually dying and has something like four months left it does bring things into better perspective.

The video itself is to the point, there’s no convoluted language, management speak or any of the negatives usually associated with time management books or lectures and that’s how it should be. I’m really pleased to have been able to watch it and perhaps this time I’ll finally end up getting to grips with managing my time properly.

Some of the camera work is really rather disappointing at times missing completely the slides on the screen. There are other versions of the video but the audio is quite poor in those so it can be a bit of a trade off. The original slides are available so you can actually follow on those instead.

There’s also Randy’s “Last Lecture” which I haven’t yet seen but am looking forward to watching.

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August 21, 2008 6:49


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2 Comments so far

  1. Time Management - Blogwatch - More Tips and Tricks? Let’s hope not - Time Management Resources from on August 28, 2008 19:13

    […] Time Management, tips from a pro. Last night I decided to take a look at Randy Pausch’s Time Management video and rather than ending up trying to gnaw off my own head I found it quite interesting. When you find out that this man is actually dying and has something like … […]

  2. C.M on August 31, 2008 07:26

    Yeah, makes you want to be a bit more effective..

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