

Miro : Free Opensource Internet TV

16 years ago, at the end of January | 1 Comment

Somone has just directed me to Miro a free, opensource video player and downloader. What’s even better is that it runs on Mac’s Windows PC’s and Linux.MiroThis could well be a huge kick in the backside for the likes of Joost who offer a similar experience. The differences are important though. Miro is free, opensource and doesn’t use DRM – although in the long run the lack of DRM may actually hurt Miro. Miro has some good introductory channels for you to browse, you can even download screencasts of how to use it. My problem now is to find more disk space for all those youtube videos of talking cats.. 😉

I look forward to finding an Openmoko channel there soon.


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January 28, 2008 14:14


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  1. Pages tagged "opensource" on January 31, 2008 05:23

    […] bookmarks tagged opensource Miro : Free Opensource Internet TV saved by 3 others     Phillychesse bookmarked on 01/30/08 | […]

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