

Tiny bluetooth adapter

16 years ago, mid-January | 6 Comments

Earlier in the week someone mentioned the Trust 2400p Bluetooth adapter to me. This littleTiny bt-2400p device is tiny and is designed to be installed in a free USB port and then “forgotten” about. I have no idea how well or badly these would function under linux but I’m quite happy to go out and grab one, particularly as the price works out at about £10 / 14 EUR. Since my Acer laptop didn’t come with Bluetooth this should fit nicely in one of the rear USB ports. My only concern is that when using Bluetooth adaptors before I’ve had issues with the wifi dropping out.

update I’ve just snagged myself one of these from a local shop. My SuSe 10.2 install saw it immediately and kbluetooth reported it as Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR which, in theory, should give 3Mbit /sec.

Update 2 This device uses hci_usb as the driver. It’s based on the Cambridge Silicon chipset.

Trust BT-2400p plugged into the back of a laptopTrust BT-2400p next to an AA battery

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January 20, 2008 1:07


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6 Comments so far

  1. John Reese on January 23, 2008 23:08

    Do you know of any online shops that carry this device? I’m incredibly intrigued, as I (regretfully) decided against paying for integrated bluetooth on my laptop last year, and I’d really like to pick this up. However, there are no good computer shops anywhere near where I live (western NY), so my options are really only online shops like NewEgg, but apparently they do not stock this. Any help?

  2. ScaredyCat / Andy Powell on January 23, 2008 23:58

    As far as I am aware Trust are mainly in Europe although they were at CES 2008 so I’m guessing that they intend to break into the US market. You could take a look at http://www.trust-site.com/w2b/ and try one of those online stores.

  3. John Reese on January 24, 2008 01:35

    I already checked: none of those listed retailers carry the 2400p 🙁

    Well, thanks anyways for the help.

  4. Carlo on February 23, 2008 18:21

    I recently got an ASUS EeePC and soon tried to upgrade it with a TRUST BT-2400P. No way to have it working. I dont know anything on Linux. Can I hope to receive some useful and simple advices on how to proceed? Thanks a lot to everybody.

  5. ScaredyCat / Andy Powell on February 23, 2008 23:11


    have you tried the eeepc forums?


  6. My Acer ‘Macbook’ : ..the cat came back.. on June 17, 2008 20:11

    […] things just worked, my little Trust BT2400p bluetooth dongle, WiFi, Audio, Graphics all just worked. I was floored. Of course there were a few […]

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