

A face in the machine?

17 years ago, mid-November | 2 Comments

Some people have been seeing things. Faces. Faces in their Neo’s. Don’t worry, it’s not your imagination it’s me, and I mean that literally, peering at you from under the clock. It’s not some vanity thing, it simply means you’re running one of my builds and allows you to quickly identify that fact.

If you ssh into your Neo and you are running one of my builds, then you will also find a file called


with the release date and time of the image, for example

ScaredyCat release qtopia-image-200711181035

The file appears in both my Qtopia and ScaredyCat builds but, as always, the standard Openmoko builds I do are unaltered so do not contain anything other than what is normally there – at this point that’s nothing, but may change in the future.

If you want to change the picture it’s a fairly simple procedure, either replace the file


with the file you want or change the gconf entry


and make it point to the file you want to use. For example,

gconftool-2 –config-source=xml::/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults –direct –type string –set /desktop/poky/interface/wallpaper /media/card/mypicture.png

You will need to restart the Openmoko-Today application which, for most people, will mean a reboot of ther Neo.


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November 18, 2007 20:21


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2 Comments so far

  1. Chris Lord on November 26, 2007 15:13

    Alternatively, you can run openmoko-appearance, use the nice GUI to change the wallpaper and not restart anything 🙂

    Alternatively, again, if you must use the command line, you can run:
    DISPLAY=:0 dbus-launch gconftool-2 -s /desktop/poky/interface/wallpaper –type string

    Also, no need to reboot to restart today, you can kill it and restart it from the terminal, or if you want to be thorough, restart X:
    /etc/init.d/xserver-nodm restart

  2. Chris Lord on November 26, 2007 16:17

    add [path] after –type string in my gconftool line below (was silly and used triangular brackets)

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