My Acer ‘Macbook’
17 years ago, mid-June | 2 Comments
Over the weekend I decided to take a little look at one of the latest incarnations of OSX to see what all the fuss was about. One of the real problems with OSX is that under normal circumstances you have to shell out at least 399 GBP before you even get to try it out. If you don’t like it or can’t get on with it you’re out nearly 400 big ones and who wants to risk that?
There are of course ways around this and I took the plunge with a Kalyway 10.5.2 iso. My laptop is an Acer Aspire 3692 WLMI which originally came with an 80GB hard drive which I have already upgraded to a 160GB drive. Since I was only going to be testing this out I wasn’t about to erase my current linux install. I dusted off the the old 80GB drive and swapped it out with the 160GB drive and kicked off the install. I actually did the install a couple of times to get used to how Mac people do stuff.
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Tagged with: hardware • linux • Mac • OSX • software
June 17, 2008 20:06
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