Free World Dialup not so free
17 years ago, at the end of October | 1 Comment
I know it’s late but I really hate to write this post. I really, really do. It saddens me deeply. Free World Dialup the pioneering VoIP service has gone ‘pay only’. For a $30 yearly charge you can now get exactly what you used to have.
For me Free World Dialup represented what should have been happening in the world of VoIP. While everyone else acted like money grabbing whores Free World Dialup weren’t out to make a fast buck. It was the ultimate social network – Where else could you phone complete strangers for help and end up being good friends. Community members offered support to those just getting started with VoIP. It was a wonderful time. Sadly this is no longer true.
The unfortunate thing about Free World Dialup now charging is that there are so many other services that offer the same thing for nothing. To me it seems a rather odd decision particularly as it was held in such high regard buy its users and supporters.
Jeff Pulver has commented on this on his blog but I still find it difficult to understand. As far as I am concerned Jeff is one of those totally awesome people you sometimes get to meet. He’s like an ideas factory. I have nothing but respect for him but this is almost like finding out your favourite uncle dresses up as a woman and heads down the docks at the weekend.
So I guess it’s goodbye Free World Dialup…
Tagged with: VoIP
October 30, 2008 12:32
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