

Pull That Squidgy iPhone application

16 years ago, at the start of June | 7 Comments

Yesterday a friend was ranting away as usual about how stuff was always broken and in passing mentioned the iPhone application Squidgy, an application that allows you to control your Squeezbox(es). There are apparently two problems with the application. The first is that it crashes quite a bit and doesn’t really seem to work very well, not particularly good for an application costing £5 ($8 / 6 EUR). The second is a little more serious. You see EMCC Software Ltd, the company that released the application, went into administration on 12th March 2009. The application is still on sale in the iTunes store despite the fact that EMCC are not providing support and their website consists of a statement that they are in administration and who the acting agents are. Perhaps it would be wise to find a different application to control your Squeezebox(es).


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June 2, 2009 8:34


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7 Comments so far

  1. coolio on June 18, 2009 12:02

    Try iPeng instead
    It also has a few more features like SqueezeNetwork support.

  2. ScaredyCat / Andy Powell on June 18, 2009 14:39

    I’d love to see an Android version of this too. Any chance?

  3. coolio on June 18, 2009 15:29

    Maybe. Not 100% decided, yet, but would be one of my preferences for the next platform, too.

  4. Luke Redpath on June 26, 2009 12:38

    You could also give Squeemote a go:
    http://lukeredpath.co.uk/squeemote – it doesn’t support quite as many features as iPeng (namely plugins) but I think it has the edge as far as the UI is concerned.

  5. ScaredyCat / Andy Powell on June 26, 2009 12:46

    Well, so the same question to you then, planning on an Android version?

  6. Luke Redpath on July 23, 2009 11:02

    No Android version on the cards from me I’m afraid!

  7. ScaredyCat / Andy Powell on July 23, 2009 11:06

    That’s a real shame Luke 🙁

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