Pictures from Computex 2009
16 years ago, at the start of June | Leave a Comment
Two of my colleagues are in Taipei again attending Computex 2009 this week and the news is that there appear to be a whole lot of netbooks on view. As ever Nick is uploading pictures to Picasa so you can get some idea of what’s about. As the days progress Nick will update the images, but it is a slow, slow process. Keep your eyes peeled for the rest of the week – and make sure you’re not looking at last years’ pictures by mistake ;). Some of you might notice that some things like the Asus Skype phone have been around for a little while. In fact it has been around since September of last year.
Update 1: More pictures are available.
Update 2: Pictures from day 3 are available now.
Update 3: Pictures from day 4 are available now. There are also some shots of Taipei
Tagged with: computex • hardware • linux • software
June 2, 2009 10:51
Pull That Squidgy iPhone application
16 years ago, at the start of June | 7 Comments
Yesterday a friend was ranting away as usual about how stuff was always broken and in passing mentioned the iPhone application Squidgy, an application that allows you to control your Squeezbox(es). There are apparently two problems with the application. The first is that it crashes quite a bit and doesn’t really seem to work very well, not particularly good for an application costing £5 ($8 / 6 EUR). The second is a little more serious. You see EMCC Software Ltd, the company that released the application, went into administration on 12th March 2009. The application is still on sale in the iTunes store despite the fact that EMCC are not providing support and their website consists of a statement that they are in administration and who the acting agents are. Perhaps it would be wise to find a different application to control your Squeezebox(es).
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