

Winterboard Rick Roll

17 years ago, mid-August | Leave a Comment

Winterboard is a rather good application for a jailbroken iPhone that allows you to theme your iPhone’s appearance. It’s touted as a replacement for Summerboard, which I’ve never used. As with any theming you will want to download some, well, themes.

The Suprise theme is one that you do not want to install. Put simply it’s a Rick Roll on your iPhone home screen.


“Way to go spoiling it?”

I don’t care.

What it has done is cast a shadow over the Big Boss & Planet-iPhones repositories which either don’t verify or don’t care what ends up in their listings. While a Rick Roll isn’t dangerous it does highlight the dangers of installing applications etc from these repositories. It’s all about trust, if you can’t trust a repository it has no value. While the theme was probably a joke it has just made these repositories untrustworthy.


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August 12, 2008 10:26


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